Independent Contracting eBook.

Revised Australian WHS Model Laws clearly dictates that when a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) engages a ‘worker’ to perform work, they have a ‘primary duty of care’ to that worker.

What's in the eBook?

What is an ‘Independent Contractor’?

Definitions, Common Terms & Differences

Legislative Overview

Case Law

The Employer’s Responsibility

Practical ‘Contractor Risk Management’ tips and tools to mitigate risk

What you need to know:

Revised Australian WHS Model Laws clearly dictates that when a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) engages a ‘worker’ to perform work, they have a ‘primary duty of care’ to that worker. A ‘worker’ also includes an Independent Contractor under modern WHS Law.

This eBook clarifies and articulates the responsibilities and obligations for work health and safety for this sector of the workforce. Importantly it provides legal precedents and practical tools to assist in tackling and keeping pace with this workforce disruption and focuses on the rights and obligations of the Independent Contractor and the Employer.

We ensure your workforce is work ready and remains fully compliant with ease.

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