Qualification Check

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Companies that thrive with WorkPro's Qualification Check

Soar with simple & effective Qualification Checks

Validating academic history is critical to ensure candidates meet the professional requirements and compliance standards of a role. WorkPro's Qualification Check service allows businesses to soar with a simple and efficient compliance solution.

Use WorkPro's simple dashboard to request, track and manage qualification checks online, with fast turnarounds and real-time updates so you can verify education quickly and hire with confidence.

Easy application, 100% online

Fast, reliable turnaround times

Local & global institutions

Dashboard to track progress & results 

See how WorkPro takes charge of your Qualification Checks

Online qualification checks with full transparency & control

Hiring a candidate who does not possess the right qualifications exposes your business to more than just the costs of replacing them. If they do not have the right skills and experience, they can damage key relationships, affect project timelines and hurt your business reputation as well as your bottom line.

A WorkPro Qualification Check verifies the candidate name, institutions attended, qualification or certification attained and date of graduation. It also provides the results and grades obtained for complete hiring transparency.

With WorkPro, you can request, track and manage your checks from a single online dashboard with real-time status updates, so you always know where your checks are at. Receive fast, reliable results you can rely on, along with access to a range of other essential background checks in the WorkPro platform to help you make the right call when it matters most.

  • What’s included in a WorkPro Qualification Check?

    WorkPro Qualification Checks validate academic information directly with listed institutions. A certificate is then provided which confirms the following details:

    • Institution attended
    • Dates of attendance
    • Qualification awarded
    • Dates of graduation
    • Student name at the institution
  • Which countries can be checked?

    WorkPro can validate academic records and qualifications from the following countries:

    • Australia and New Zealand
    • Japan and Korea
    • Taiwan and China
    • Pakistan, India and the Philippines
    • Asia Pacific
    • Africa and Middle East
    • Europe
    • UK and Ireland
    • The Americas
    • USA and Canada
    • Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia
  • How WorkPro Qualification Check streamlines your hiring process?

    WorkPro's smart platform ensures your candidate’s qualifications are thoroughly vetted and stored alongside their complete profile for efficient workforce management.

    Simplify your due diligence and maintain the highest compliance standards using WorkPro's streamlined and automated solutions.

Request Check

Providing you with qualified and verified information,

to help your team make smarter decisions

By Ziggy Dequito 15 Apr, 2024
Discover how WorkPro’s social media and adverse media checks are transforming recruitment processes. Ensure your next hire aligns with your company values and protects your reputation with WorkPro's comprehensive background checking services.
By Nikki Cheema 05 Feb, 2024
To keep up with productivity for any business, employee health and well-being should be of the utmost importance. Various industries have high risk roles that require a comprehensive medical screening as part of their pre-employment onboarding process. Hiring teams must implement a streamlined process for conducting medical checks, which includes ensuring accessibility to clinics near the candidate, facilitating ease of completing these checks and maintaining a healthy workforce. Maintaining a healthy workforce is not only to keep employees more productive and engaged, but also leads to reduced costs associated with workers' compensation claims. HR Challenges in Medical Screening for Recruitment HR and recruitment teams face significant challenges when conducting medical checks during the hiring process, including ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory standards, managing privacy and confidentiality of sensitive health information, and dealing with the cost and time implications of these checks. The complexity of interpreting medical information without medical expertise, varying requirements for different roles and regions, and the potential negative impact on candidate experience further complicate the process. Additionally, integrating medical checks into existing HR systems, keeping health information up to date, and addressing the unique challenges of international hires require meticulous management. Solutions like WorkPro streamline these processes by centralising the management of medical checks and other compliance requirements, thereby helping HR and recruitment teams efficiently navigate these challenges, maintain legal compliance, protect candidate privacy, and enhance the candidate experience.
By Nikki Cheema 15 Jan, 2024
Changes to Fair Work Act and hiring migrant workers
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Optimise your onboarding with WorkPro's smart Qualification Check

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